Tuesday, July 12, 2011

This Week

I love making a weekly dinner plan. No wait, let me abridge that. I love making a weekly dinner plan during the summer when I am bored for 8 hours a day patiently waiting for my wonderful husband to come home. I am a teacher so my summers are boring. I know I'm not supposed to say that, but it's true. Luckily I have a sweet and silly dog to keep me company and lots of cleaning supplies to preoccupy my time. Or least they're there, I don't use them, but they could preoccupy me if it gets that bad. Plus 9 months worth of ironing takes up a few days. The hobby I love most in the summer though is cooking, so I like to take advantage of it. During the school year, the whole weekly dinner plan dwindles off and becomes "desperately search the pantry and freezer" plan. Which is actually why I created this blog though, those dinners are often spectacular! Here's what's on the docket this week (in the spirit of honesty, I had to look up that expression to see if I used it right and I'm still not sure I did...). And please excuse me, because though I am a 5th grade teacher by trade, I have failed to ever perfect "teacher handwriting". Or just handwriting in general, apparently.
This week's dinner. And my aspiration to make Key Lime Pie, more updates on that coming soon. Also please note the scrapped "Braised Short Ribs". I got the the grocery store and they looked frightening and I suddenly realized I was not in the big leagues yet, so pork chops (on sale!) it is. File that under, "What were you thinking?"

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